Both DVDs

$19.95 plus shipping

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Get both of my DVDs in one package for a great price! A $29.90 value for only $19.95 plus shipping. You get both PyroTopia: Show of Shows and PyroVideo: Box of Tricks, for a total of 3.5 hours of informative and entertaining video.

Please read the terms below.

To qualify for this deal, both DVDs must ship in one package to one address.

Return and refund policy: There are no refunds offered on this package. The sale is final. However, if one or both DVDs prove to be defective or unplayable in your player, you can mail them back to me and I will mail to you another copy of the same DVD title that was defective.

You can also get both DVDs and one shirt of your choice for $24.95 plus shipping - see this page.


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